"The 2022 #CongressionalArtCompetition is here! Artists in #CA49 high schools, submit your original artwork for a chance to earn cash prizes & have it displayed in the US Capitol for a full year! Deadline for submissions is April 8, 2022.Read more: mikelevin.house.gov/services/art-c"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mike Levin:
"Great news! Ive secured $9.3 million within the government funding bill to restore our beaches in San Clemente!Beach erosion is a serious concern, and I look forward to seeing this funding work to both secure our coastline & safely protect the railway that runs through #CA49." on March 11Read on Twitter
"We know that burning fossil fuels is causing climate change, but its also worsening allergies and asthma. Electrifying our cars, trucks, and buses is a pathway to cleaning the air we breathe and protecting children from poor lung development and asthma. #ClimateIsHealth twitter.com/LungAssociatio" on March 11Read on Twitter
"Yesterday, I voted to fund our government and secure $21 million for key #CA49 projects, including funding to restore our beaches in San Clemente, fix pedestrian infrastructure, address homelessness, and provide the Oceanside PD with vehicle cameras.mikelevin.house.gov/media/press-re" on March 10Read on Twitter