"Access to internet = access to opportunity. In the year since I voted to pass the #AmericanRescuePlan, the Emergency Connectivity Fund has provided #CA49 with $1.45 million to keep our kids and teachers connected to the internet and bridge the #DigitalDivide."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mike Levin:
"#EqualPayDay is the day when womens pay catches up to what the average man earned the previous year. Today, lets recommit to delivering equal pay for equal work and pass legislation like the bipartisan #PaycheckFairnessAct to protect workers and close the #WageGap."Read on Twitter
"Great news! @POTUS signed my bill to rename the San Diego @DeptVetAffairs Medical Center after local hero Army CPT Jennifer M. Moreno into law!sandiegouniontribune.com/veterans/story"Read on Twitter
"Although we have more work to do to support our woman veterans and servicemembers, its my great hope that renaming the San Diego VA Medical Center after a distinguished local woman veteran inspires similar recognition across the country.mikelevin.house.gov/media/press-re"Read on Twitter