"Secretary Madeleine Albright was a dedicated public servant whose trailblazing service to our country broke through many barriers. My thoughts and prayers are with her family, friends, and the entire foreign policy community. May she rest in peace.cnn.com/2022/03/23/pol"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mike Levin:
"12 years ago, the #AffordableCareAct was signed into law. Today, the #ACA covers more than 30 million Americans and protects more than 133 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. I will continue to fight for access to quality, affordable health care for all Americans."Read on Twitter
"Due to the #AmericanRescuePlan and other COVID-19 relief, we lowered costs and increased enrollment to a record high 14.5 million Americans gaining quality health coverage in 2021, including nearly 6 million who enrolled for the first time!cnn.com/2022/03/21/pol"Read on Twitter
"Pure Water Oceanside exemplifies creativity in responding to an urgent global problem: conserving water and making better use of this life-sustaining resource." on March 22Read on Twitter