Mike Levin tweeted the following:
"Happy 100th Birthday to World War II and Korean War veteran Richard "Andy Andersen!It is an honor to recognize and commemorate his extraordinary service to our nation."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mike Levin:
"Chrissy and I are keeping my colleague, friend, and defender of our democracy Jamie Raskin in our thoughts.Jamie, were sending you positive energy as you begin treatment and we hope the knowledge of how loved and respected you are by all of us helps you through this hard time. twitter.com/cnn/status/160" on Dec. 29Read on Twitter
"On this 49th anniversary of the #EndangeredSpeciesAct, let's remember the importance of conservation in #CA49 and worldwide.Today, I want to applaud @MCIWPendletonCA and @carlsbadcagov for being recognized for their work to protect our wildlife habitats and endangered species." on Dec. 28Read on Twitter
"In Congress, we recently passed a funding bill with $800 million to help provide shelter in these situations.Congressional Republicans must stop blocking comprehensive immigration reform, like that proposed by the President, which will secure our border and fix our system." on Dec. 27Read on Twitter