City Of Carlsbad
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Cities located within San Diego County have 13,058 lawyers in good standing as of November
Cities located within San Diego County saw 13,058 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of November, according to the State Bar of California.
Legal Landscape of cities located within San Diego County: 13,107 lawyers in good standing as of October
Cities located within San Diego County saw 13,107 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of October, according to the State Bar of California.
There were 13,118 lawyers in good standing in cities located within San Diego County as of September
There were 13,118 lawyers in good standing in cities located within San Diego County as of September, according to the State Bar of California.
Legal Landscape of cities located within San Diego County: 13,118 lawyers in good standing as of July
There were 13,118 lawyers in good standing in cities located within San Diego County as of July, according to the State Bar of California.
There were 13,379 lawyers in good standing in cities located within San Diego County as of June
There were 13,379 lawyers in good standing in cities located within San Diego County as of June, according to the State Bar of California.
Cities located within San Diego County have 13,384 lawyers in good standing as of May
Cities located within San Diego County saw 13,384 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of May, according to the State Bar of California.
How many lawyers were in good standing in cities located within San Diego County as of April?
Cities located within San Diego County saw 13,395 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of April, according to the State Bar of California.
6.2% of citizens unemployed in San Diego County in 2021
The unemployment rate in San Diego County hit 6.2% among residents aged 16 and 65 years old in 2021.
There were 13,393 lawyers in good standing in cities located within San Diego County as of March
Cities located within San Diego County saw 13,393 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of March, according to the State Bar of California.
FDA conducted inspections of 21 companies in cities located in San Diego County in Q4 2023
There were 21 companies in cities associated with San Diego County that received 21 FDA inspections in the fourth quarter of 2023, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Association.
Legal Landscape of cities located within San Diego County: 13,469 lawyers in good standing as of February
Cities located within San Diego County saw 13,469 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of February, according to the State Bar of California.
How many companies in cities in San Diego County received FDA inspections in 2023?
There were 173 companies in cities associated with San Diego County that received 175 FDA inspections in 2023, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Association.
Census Bureau: 78.3% of people in San Diego County were old enough to vote in 2021
Of the 3,296,317 citizens living in San Diego County in 2021, 78.3% were old enough to vote, equating to 2,582,479 individuals, according to U.S. Census Bureau data obtained on Oct. 26.
Cities located within San Diego County have 13,521 lawyers in good standing as of January
Cities located within San Diego County saw 13,521 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of January, according to the State Bar of California.
Did farm subsidies in cities associated with San Diego County rise or fall in 2021?
Farms throughout cities in San Diego County received $10.3 million less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.
Villa Rancho Bernardo Care Center Q4 2023’s 3rd largest nursing home in San Diego County
With an overall rating of one, Villa Rancho Bernardo Care Center was the third largest nursing home in San Diego County during the fourth quarter of 2023.
How much did farmers in San Diego County receive in taxpayer-funded subsidies in 2021?
Farms in San Diego County received $8,959,739 in taxpayer-funded subsidies in 2021, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
The Shores Post-Acute was largest nursing home in San Diego County as of Q4 2023
With an overall rating of one, The Shores Post-Acute was the largest nursing home in San Diego County during the fourth quarter of 2023.
Country Hills Post Acute was largest nursing home in San Diego County as of Q4 2023
Country Hills Post Acute, the largest nursing home in San Diego County, aided an average of 290.9 residents per day during the fourth quarter of 2023.
Who owned Glenbrook in Q4 2023?
Owned by Richard Aschenbrenner, Elwood Justin Wilson, III and Julie Frances Wilson, Trustee of the J., and Spieker Living Trust since Sep. 29, 1999, Glenbrook boasted an overall rating of five in the fourth quarter of 2023.